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It is almost time for Eurovision in Malmö, but what about the wetlands?

Disclaimer: Researcher David Alcer’s views and opinions expressed in this text about civil disobedience are those of David Alcer as a private person. Lund University and the Alumni Network do not support or promote engagement in activities punishable by law.

Hello David Alcer, most known as the climate activist who ran onto the stage during the Eurovision winner Loreen’s live TV performance at the Swedish Melodifestivalen in 2023, with a banner that read “Restore the wetlands”. How are the wetlands doing these days, about a year and a half later, and why do you still think your message is important?

– It’s going so-so. As a result of Restore Wetlands persistence in raising public opinion on the issue, we now see it rising, moving higher up on the political agenda, and the governmental support for wetland restoration has recently been increased (in Sweden). However, harmful peat extraction on drained peatlands is still allowed, directly fueling the climate crisis. Peat is mainly used in gardening, agriculture, and as animal bedding, and peat extraction in Sweden is increasing today despite peat-free alternatives being available. Moreover, peat is still being burned to produce electricity and heat. Peat extraction contributes significantly to the climate crisis and should be banned – peat emits more greenhouse gases per unit of energy than coal, oil and gas.

Wetland Photo: private David Alcer

There are so many factors affecting the climate, why do you think wetlands in Sweden are important?

– Over the past year, many reports have shown that we are much closer to critical climate tipping points than previously thought. For example, the stability of the Gulf Stream is at risk, and there is a significant risk that the Amazon rainforest is on its way to becoming into a barren savannah. Therefore, all emissions need to decrease rapidly, and banning peat extraction and restoring wetlands are among the most effective climate measures in Sweden, a country with large amounts of drained wetlands.

You work at Lund University, but your research area is in Solid State Physics, Nanoscience, and Semiconductor Technology, not directly in the specific area of “wetlands” – how come? Is there any common denominator here?

– My research focuses on the development of new types of solar cells. In the course of my work, however, I have come to realize that the bottleneck is not in climate and transition research, but in the fact that politics and the media are not responding adequately to the climate emergency and ecological crisis in which we find ourselves, and in some cases are even actively opposing the necessary transition.

Civil disobedience and the type of “coup” you carried out during the Swedish Melodifestivalen is debated in regards to a democracy (Debate in Lund has addressed the topic), what do you think about that?

– Civil disobedience is an important part of a healthy democracy as a means of raising issues of injustice. When majority rule does not respect the rights of a minority, civil disobedience can appeal to the moral compass of society to effect change. Historically, this could be the struggle for women’s voting rights, or today about the right to live on a habitable planet for young and future generations who are not represented in the parliament.

What was your punishment for storming the stage?

– The prosecutor dropped the charges, there was no trial. I believe I have not committed any crime, because we are in a climate emergency, where peaceful protest against the deadly course of politics is entirely justifiable and even necessary.

Read more

Climate research | Lund University

Climate change hits northern wetlands particularly hard in late summer (in Swedish)

Watch: Debate in Lund Debate in Lund: Publish or protest – should climate scientists be activists? (

Sweden’s first national citizens’ council on climate (in Swedish)
(Explainer video available in English)

Five tips for politicians to succeed with their climate policies (in Swedish)

 Opportunities and obstacles for carbon sequestration in agricultural soils (in Swedish)

“We are further from the goals than before” (in Swedish)



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Ring, ring – only, I don’t pay at all: when Lund University got its first telephones

Slightly more than fifty years ago, in 1973, the pop quartet Björn & Benny, Agnetha & Frida – later thankfully shortened to ABBA – had their breakthrough in Melodifestivalen with the song “Ring Ring”. They finished third, but just the next year they got their revenge with “Waterloo”, a song with which they later won the Eurovision Song Contest. Slightly less than a hundred years before ABBA rhetorically asked “why don’t you give me a call”, and just about seventy years after the real battle of Waterloo, the question of telephone connections wasn’t just an issue for pop groups (to the extent that such things existed during the late nineteenth century) but also for Lund University.

The telephone had been patented by Alexander Graham Bell (the contributions of other scientists notwithstanding) in 1876 and spread to the rest of the world, Sweden included, soon thereafter. As early as 1883, certain Lund-based companies advertised their phone numbers in the Lunds Weckoblad newspaper, and it wasn’t long before voices were raised demanding that the University should embrace this newfangled technology.

On 17 July 1883, the shop ’Eskilstuna-Boden’ at Mårtensgatan 5 advertises their stock of pen knives and watch chains, and also states their telephone number

Just ten years after Bell’s patent, in 1886, the question of ‘connection to the state telephone network’ reached the University leadership; Professor Magnus Blix (physiology) and Professor Hjalmar Lindgren (anatomy) had, together with the Head of the University Library Elof Tegnér, applied to the King in Council for such a connection. The government referred the question to the University Board, which discussed the issue during their meeting on 4 December. At this meeting, the otherwise technologically progressive Professor of Botany Fredrik Areschoug declared that he was not in need of a telephone, whereas Professor of Astronomy Axel Möller immediately jumped at the opportunity to make calls to and from the University’s observatory. He was enthusiastically backed up by the librarian, Elof Tegnér, who declared that the University Library was ready to pay for their own telephone connection.

The board, apparently sensing a breath of fresh telephonic air, decided to put the question to all departments of the University, asking them if they were interested in joining in on the request for a telephone connection. At the next board meeting on 22 December 1886, the departments of physics and pathology – headed by Professor Albert Holmgren and Professor Maximilian Victor Odenius, respectively – had jumped on the telephone bandwagon. The board thus decided to apply to the King in Council for a connection from the state telephone network to the University Library as well as the departments of anatomy, astronomy, physiology, physics and pathology; and as a small bonus Professor Lindgren had managed to add a request for a telephone connection between the Department of Anatomy and his private home!

This request from the University Board did not, however, mean that the University was prepared to pay for the connection – there wasn’t enough centrally available funds for this. The Royal Telegraph Board was ready to give the University a good deal though – calls, maintenance and the telephones themselves were to be free, as long as the University was ready to pay the connection fee. The board thus happily left the issue of paying 200 crowns each to the library and the five departments, noted that neither Professor Areschough nor the University Chief Financial Officer felt that a phone connection between the Department of Anatomy and Professor Lindgren’s home was reasonable if it were to cost a further 200 crowns, and then recessed – most likely in order to enjoy the Christmas holidays.

Hjalmar Lindgren (left) and Fredrik Areschoug (right)
Hjalmar Lindgren (left) and Fredrik Areschoug (right); telephone enthusiast and doubter, respectively

The government apparently enjoyed the holidays, too, since it wasn’t until 28 January 1887, that the King in Council gave his assent to the University’s request for free (apart from the connection fees) phone connection to ‘those academic departments in Lund, for whom the connection would be, from the perspective of scientific interest or other societal utility, of comparatively large benefit’. Royal assent was however, perhaps not surprisingly, withheld from Professor Lindgren’s request for a free telephone between his home and place of work. Phone lines were drawn and sometime in early March (all the bills are dated 5 and 8 March) 1887 the talkative public could reach five University departments and the library by phone. 

The perceptive reader will now note that in 1887 there was no way to call the University’s leadership or administration. This fact is made even more interesting when one considers that the University had inaugurated its new grandiose main building five years earlier, in 1882. So, when professors and librarians could call one another to their hearts’ delight the Vice-Chancellor and the chief financial and administrative officers were without such a connection. This defect was quickly realized, and in 1889 these two men received a shared telephone, subject to the same financial arrangement as the library and the five departments.

The lending desk of the university library
The lending desk of the University Library in the King’s House (the library moved to its present building in 1907) – perhaps the telephone was placed somewhere in this vicinity?]

The age of unlimited free telephony at Lund University lasted until 1902. The single shared telephone in the University Main Building from 1889 had by then proven to be inadequate, and the departments of botany (Areschoug had retired in 1898), zoology, geology and mineralogy, chemistry and medical chemistry also wanted in on the economically advantageous free telephone solution. However, these were different times, and in response to the University’s request for more telephone lines ‘on the same terms’ the King in Council decided that free telephone connections in exchange for only the connection fee was no longer on the table. Rather, ‘the establishment of the telephone connections in question may only take place in the regular manner’. And since then, Lund University has had to pay for its phone services.

Today, when Lund University has 8800 employees who – with few exceptions – have their own work telephones, it is difficult to imagine a time when the University as a whole only had six phones, none of which connected to the central administration. One also wonders how these 8800 employees could affect the outcome of the voting in Melodifestivalen if the University’s phone expansion hadn’t become chargeable in 1902 – just imagine the amounts of free votes that could have been cast!

Perhaps then, at long last, the right song would have won. 😉

Henrik Ullstad

Archivist at the University Archives (reachable at +46 46 222 16 70)

The author wishes to extend his gratitude to Lukas Sjöström for helping with proof reading, as well as to archivist Fredrik Tersmeden for good cooperative archival research, and helping with proof reading.



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How Lund University’s Focus on Inclusivity in Communications Shaped My Career at the Intersection of Gender, Remote Work, and Women in Tech

Emilie portrait

Guest writer, alumna Emilie Schafferling, is a 27-year-old Dane now residing in Ottawa, Canada, whose career trajectory evolved from journalism studies at Lund University (2019-2021) to a role in communications and PR within the tech industry. Her degree from Lund University provided Emilie with the tools to shape inclusive narratives to advocate for women in tech and contribute to the global remote work discussion.

The writer is responsible for the facts, sources, analysis and viewpoints presented in the text.

Emilie Schafferling
Lund University provided Emilie Schafferling with the tools to shape inclusive narratives to advocate for women in tech and contribute to the global remote work discussion.

My job is to advocate for women in tech through PR

My journey from studying journalism at Lund University to working in communications for tech companies has been all about exploring how communication and gender intersect.

What has driven me to tech, an industry relatively foreign to journalism, is the gender dynamics within the field, which has carried over into my current role at a Canadian remote-first company (Alludo), where I work with highlighting the gendered aspects of remote work and advocating for women in tech through PR.

But what’s the connection between gender, remote work, and women in tech, you may wonder. Let me break it down and explain what that all has to do with my time at Lund University.

Gender is everywhere

One of the topics I work with is the gendered aspects of remote work – especially related to the recent pushback against remote work that is making headlines.

You’ve probably heard it before: remote work isn’t just convenient; it’s a game-changer for diversity too, and women are leading the charge. In fact, studies show that a whopping 9 out of 10 women prefer remote work. And it’s not just any women – it’s women of color, LGBT women, and those with disabilities who feel the difference even more.

So, when we talk about remote work and all the pushback it’s getting, we’ve got to see it through a gender lens. Insisting that everyone comes back to the office? It’s really about catering to the needs of white, straight, and able-bodied men. And we need to shine a light on that reality rather than ignoring the negative impact it has on diversity.

Seeing the remote work vs. return to office debate as a gendered issue is something I gained the tools to do during my time at Lund University, where diversity and gender-related aspects were always at the forefront of how we approached things. It’s an approach I later discovered to be unique to my program and school – an approach I couldn’t imagine not applying every single day in my work.

The thing about tech

It may be no surprise that even though we have come a long way, women are still underrepresented in tech. Only 32% of the workforce in tech are women, and of those few women who do work in tech, 50% tend to leave the industry by the age of 35.  That’s a huge problem.

Certainly, part of the challenge lies in the pipeline, fewer women pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) studies, leading to a scarcity of female talent, which is exactly why we need more spotlight on the female role models within the field.

But we also need to address those challenges faced by the minority of women who do actually pursue a career in tech. ‘Bro culture’ and gender-based microaggressions are reported reasons for women fleeing the field by the age of 35.

And we, once again, need to talk about that as a gendered problem rather than letting the status quo persist.

Words create our reality – so choose carefully

Effective communication can be a catalyst for change both when it comes to women in tech, as well as the discussion about remote work. It’s not just about conveying information; it’s about shaping narratives, challenging biases, and fostering inclusivity. As communicators, our words can amplify voices and dismantle stereotypes. That’s why it’s crucial to recognize the underlying biases that influence the narratives we choose. By actively challenging these biases, we can uplift and empower those who remain underrepresented in certain spaces.

My time at Lund University played a pivotal role in shaping my approach to representation and how I communicate about gender. During my journalism studies, we were encouraged to critically consider the representation of different genders and races in our work. We were prompted to question why we chose certain sources and whether less-represented alternatives were available. And our teachers challenged us on whether we were telling stories that further fueled the already existing biases and stereotypes deeply ingrained in society.

My four semesters at Lund University truly laid the groundwork for not only my current work in working with the gendered aspects of the tech industry and remote work, but also the future of my career as a communicator.


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Develop your skills: Information about continuing education for professionals

Do you want to update your knowledge or learn something completely new? Lund University provides many opportunities for professional development by offering a significant portion of courses that are part-time and online without physical meetings, which suits mid-career individuals. And some of these courses are  taught in English. In addition to stand-alone courses, there are tailored commissioned education programs and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses).

Stand-alone courses given by Lund University – application opens 15 March

The application period for stand-alone courses and programmes starting in autumn 2024 is open from 15 March until 15 April 2024. Commissioned education programs and MOOCs have varying application deadlines.

A few select examples of courses taught in English

If you have any questions about a course, please contact the contact person on each course page. Use a translation service if the information is not in English. Even though the courses mentioned below will be taught in English, several of them are presented in Swedish on the University’s website.


AI, Business and the Future of Work
Understand and use AI so that you can transform your organisation to be more efficient, more sustainable and thus innovative.
MOOC, 0 Academic credits, Study at your own pace, Remote
Application through
Teaching language: English, with several language subtitle choices

Artificial Intelligence: Ethics & Societal Challenges
Exploring the ethical and societal aspects of the increasing use of artificial intelligence.
MOOC, 0 Academic credits, Study at your own pace, Remote
Application through
Teaching language: English, with several language subtitle choices

Sustainable AI? Social and Environmental Effects of Artificial Intelligence
Explore the social, economic, and environmental changes brought about by developments in AI.
5 Academic credits, 50%, Remote, 2 September 2024 – 3 November 2024
Application through
Teaching language: English

Programming in Python: Basic and Preparatory Course
Master the fundamentals of the Python programming language used for AI and machine learning programming.
5 Academic credits, 50%, Remote, Dates that admitted students can choose for this five-week series are: 15/01-18/02, 19/02-14/03, 15/03-28/04, and 29/04-2/06
Application through
Teaching language: English

AI, Business and the Future of Work
Understand and use AI so that you can transform your organisation to be more efficient, more sustainable and thus innovative.
MOOC, 0 Academic credits, Study at your own pace, Remote
Application through
Teaching language: English, with several language subtitle choices


Leadership in Complex and Uncertain Situations
Basic understanding of the conditions for leadership in simple, complicated, and complex situations.
2.5 Academic credits, 33%, Remote, 23 September 2024 – 27 October 2024
Application through
Teaching language: English


Agenda 2030 – Knowledge, Monitoring and Leadership
Deepen your understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
7.5 Academic credits, 50%, Remote, 1 November 2024 – 19 January 2025
Application through
Teaching language: English

Circular Economy: Sustainable Material Management
Where do the key materials in products we use every day come from, and how can they be used more efficiently, for longer, and in closed loops?
MOOC, 0 credits, Study at your own pace, Remote
Application through
Teaching language: English, with several language subtitle choices


Responsible Internationalisation – Organisational Leadership in a Complex Global Environment
How can organisations navigate the geopolitical events and changing global power dynamics that have emerged in today’s multipolar world?
3 Academic credits, 33%, in Lund, 1 November 2024 – 19 January 2025
Application through
Teaching language: English

Introduction to Economic Crises Throughout History
Economic crises in history and their effects on the economy and society.
4 Academic credits, 25%, Remote, 2 September 2024 – 19 January 2025
Application through
Teaching language: English


Global Health and Human Rights
In this course, students will explore the linkages between human rights and global health, covering historical perspectives, current issues, and practical examples from research and practice, emphasizing the right to the highest attainable standard of health.
3 Academic credits, 50%, Remote, 2 September 2024 – 1 October 2024
Application through (must have a completed Bachelor’s degree)
Teaching language: English


AI & Law
This four-week course titled AI and Law explores the way in which the increasing use of artificially intelligent technologies (AI) affects the practice and administration of law defined in a broad sense.
MOOC, 0 credits, Study at your own pace, Remote
Application through
Teaching language: English, with several language subtitle choices.

European Business Law
The European Union is one of the world’s largest and most important economies. This specialization is a 3-course bundle that will teach learners the fundamentals of European Business Law.
MOOC, 0 credits, Study at your own pace, Remote
Application through
Teaching language: English, with several language subtitle choices.

Comprehensive list

For a full list of all stand-alone courses given by Lund University in Swedish and English, please visit:
Stand-alone courses at Lund University (Link in Swedish)

Please note! If you have any questions about the course, please contact the contact person on each course page. Use a translation service if the information is not in English. Even though the above-mentioned courses will be taught in English, several of them are presented in Swedish on the University’s website.

MOOCs and Company-sponsored professional education

Lund University also offers Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which are open to anyone interested in the subject. These courses are free and have no admission requirements.
For a full list of all MOOCs by Lund University, please visit:
MOOCs | Lund University

Professional or comissioned education is training opportunities for professionals sponsored by their company or organisation.
For a full list of Lund University Commissioned Education please visit:
Lund University Commissioned Education | Lund University

Having trouble making a decision? Contact our general study guidance counselors

The study guidance services offer guidance and information when you are in the process of making educational or professional choices. We help you to clarify what your interests and abilities are prior to and during your studies. You are welcome to contact the study guidance team for example:

– If you are unsure about your choice of studies
– If you have questions about application and admission rules
– If you want to know more about the professional areas different programs lead to
– If you wonder how you can combine stand-alone courses to achieve a valid general degree.

Read more and book an appointment

Lifelong learning

Also read previously published articles:

The Career Coach: Ask yourself these questions if you want to advance in your career!

Do I have the right to take a leave of absence to study?
Applies to Swedish law – in Swedish

Irene changed her career path and aimed for a more secure employment

Will your next boss be artificially intelligent?

The brain is ‘programmed’ for learning from people we like



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The Career Coach: Ask yourself these questions about your career

Pernilla Thellmark has extensive experience in career and leadership development. She works as a career coach at the School of Economics and Management at Lund University and also runs the consulting firm Nilla Karriär & Kommunikation. Here, she provides you with the questions you should ask yourself to make decisions about your career.

Pernilla Thellmark

1. What are my goals for the next step in my career?

If you can’t formulate a goal for your next step, job searching may feel vague and difficult to grasp, with the risk of not getting started. Try to pinpoint something that feels important to you; it will facilitate your job search. Perhaps you want to take on more responsibility or deepen your knowledge through skills development in a specific area? Maybe you want to try something completely new?

2. Do I know what jobs are available?

Exploring industries and job titles is a good way to inject energy into your job search. Perhaps you’ll discover interesting employers you weren’t aware of, or you’ll become aware of job positions that may suit you. Utilize your curiosity to explore the job market.

For example, consider the companies behind the products and services you encounter throughout a day. Read job advertisements and websites, ask people about their jobs, try different keywords to broaden your options.

3. Do I know what I am capable of and how to present myself to an employer?

What are my strengths and what am I like as a colleague? What motivates me and how can I contribute with my skills and experience? Job seeking is largely about marketing oneself. It requires, first and foremost, time for reflection and an opportunity to get to know oneself better.

What do you want a potential employer to know about you? Consider concrete examples from previous jobs or academic situations that describe how you have handled different tasks and contributed with your skills and strengths. A good way to prepare and strengthen yourself is to seek feedback from others. Ask friends and colleagues about the strengths they appreciate in you. Remember that the most important thing is to demonstrate a positive attitude and explain why you want to be a part of the organisation.

4. Who is in my network?

I often meet people who feel they don’t have a relevant network. And I usually ask, “what is considered relevant?” People working in the industry in which you want to work is often the answer. Keep in mind that you never know who can help you move forward.

Building a network simply involves getting to know people. We often have a larger network than we think; colleagues, classmates, friends, neighbors and many more. When you feel ready for a new step in your career, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Ask people in your network for tips and advice, and share what you’re looking for. Most people are willing to help! Use LinkedIn to stay informed about what’s happening on the job market as well as to expand and deepen your network. Be active by sharing, liking, following and writing posts. However, don’t forget that face-to-face meetings are what impact us the most.

5. What makes me feel good?

We spend many hours of our lives at our place of work, so enjoying it is crucial. Consider what you need to feel good at a workplace. Do you prefer working independently or being part of a team? What kind of leadership do you need? How do you want the balance between work and personal life to be?

When we enjoy our workplace, we perform better.

Best of luck!


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Career advice Featured in Lundensaren


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She continued to learn as long as her eyes were able

Few alumni from Lund University are likely to have become news material in Hawaii. But exceptions exist. On November 27, 1933, readers of the Honolulu Star Bulletin were treated to a notice about a phenomenon in distant Sweden. Fredrik Tersmeden, honorary doctor and archivist at the University Archives, recounts the story of Kalmar’s first female student, Dagmar Karlberg – the mathematician who switched to become a translator and never tired of learning new things.

Dagmar Karlberg
Dagmar Karlberg photographed in 1941. Photo: Carl Larssons Fotografiska Ateljé AB. Source of image: County Museum of Gävleborg (CC-BY)

Few Lund University alumni can claim to have graced the columns of Hawaii’s newspapers. And yet, seek and ye shall find. On 27 November 1933, the Honolulu Star Bulletin featured a short piece about a phenomenon from a faraway place called Sweden: “Miss Dagmar Karlberg, 65 years old, living at Garvie, Sweden, claims to have taught herself Bulgarian, Rumanian, Chinese, Serbian and Turkish in just over two years.”

The news travelled further than Hawaii. The item came originally from the major news agency Associated Press (AP) and wandered its way through American newspapers from Brooklyn to Las Vegas in the autumn of 1933. The text was identical up to but not including the place identified as Miss Karlberg’s hometown, where local typesetters seem to have struggled with the exotic name. What in Honolulu had been “Garvie” became “Bavie” once it arrived in Gettysburg. In most cases, however, it was more correctly written as “Gavle”, or Gävle as we would know it, as indeed this was where Miss Karlberg lived at the time.

Learned in secret from her brother’s lessons

There was nothing upon her birth to suggest that Dagmar Karlberg would, in the autumn of her years, achieve world renown as a polyglot extraordinaire – nor, quite, that she would live to such a ripe age. Her father was a doctor at Kalmar’s main hospital to be sure, but not even this was a guarantee that a loved one would live long at that time. The year before Dagmar was born, both of her older sisters, aged five and two, were snatched from the family within mere weeks of each other. Presumably the arrival of a new daughter the following year, on 26 September 1866, was all the more eagerly awaited, and the feeling that she was a “replacement” for her deceased siblings was reflected in the fact that her three given names – Eva Dagmar Elisabeth – had all previously been borne by them.

In addition to the parents, Dagmar and the sisters who died in childhood, the family was rounded out by two sons: older brother Ivan (born 1865) and younger brother Gustaf (born 1869). Ivan started receiving lessons in the home when he turned five, which aroused his little sister’s curiosity. She was considered too young to participate, but as long as she promised to sit quietly, she was allowed to sit in and listen. The whole situation was later described in a newspaper article based on Dagmar’s own account:

She sat on a small stool in a corner with a doll in her lap. She was sure not to interrupt, but no one could stop her from listening intently. In this way, she absorbed everything that was possible to learn using her ears. At the end of the lesson, she would sneak up and look at the book being used, so that she could also read what was there with her own eyes. This was how she learned to read alongside her brother.

In those days, it was far from obvious that young women should be provided with any formal education beyond primary school level, and the state-run higher education system was exclusively geared towards men. But Dagmar Karlberg was doubly lucky. Firstly, she obviously had a family that supported her “desire for knowledge”, and secondly, Kalmar was a city with a number of private girls’ schools. The most ambitious and long-lived of these was the Nisbeth School, led by the enterprising Miss Georgina Nisbeth. One of her stated aims was “to ensure an education for young ladies equivalent in so far as it is possible to that which the boys avail themselves of in the public schools”. To achieve this, Miss Nisbeth recruited several teachers from the city’s boys’ schools to teach the older pupils at her school as well. Among which sat Dagmar Karlberg. She later wrote that “no experiences are so engraved in my mind as those seven years (1877-1884) which I spent at the Nisbeth Elementary School for Girls”.

Drawing of Larmtorget square in Kalmar
Drawing of Larmtorget square in Kalmar probably from around 1839 by J B Pettersson. When Dagmar Karlberg was a pupil there, the Nisbeth School was located in the building on the far right, known as the Jeansson House or “Little Court”. Inset on the right: Georgina Nisbeth, the school’s headmistress. Source of image: Kalmar Museum and the book Georgina Nisbeth och hennes skola (Georgina Nisbeth and her School), published in 1926.

Impudent enough to sit the matriculation exam

The fact that the industrious and well-read Dagmar was thriving at school did not equate to peace and happiness in the Kalmar doctor’s home, however. Her father suffered from a “premature collapse of health due to studies and work”. After periods of leave, he was forced to resign from the hospital in 1883, aged only 53, which explains later reports that Dagmar Karlberg came “from a poor family”. The situation was hardly improved by her father’s death two years later from an inflammation of the kidneys. Her older brother Ivan took his chance to emigrate to Australia, leaving his mother behind with his two youngest siblings Dagmar and Gustaf, both not yet of age. The latter had two more years until he could sit the matriculation exam. Before he could take it, however, his older sister Dagmar, with her Nisbethian education and a few more years of self-study behind her, was “impudent enough” (her own choice of words) to march up to the boys’ school in the spring of 1887 and declare that she wished to take the examination as an “independent student”. This had never happened before in Kalmar and threw the school management into a quandary.

The honourable headmaster did not know how to deal with me. He scratched his head and said:

“It is quite impossible for the young lady to sit among the men, they would be too distracted.” So, I was placed downstairs in the headmaster’s office, which was locked, and there I sat in splendid isolation and completed the written assignments. Well, then came the oral exam, and after that the moment when the happy graduands would, as was the custom, run out into the square and into the arms of all the mamas, papas, brothers and sweethearts to be embraced and cloaked with flowers. But I was not allowed to be part of it. It would have been “inappropriate”. Instead, I had to sneak out the back door – even though I had obtained laudatur [the highest grade].

Despite the discreet exit, it did not go unnoticed that Kalmar had received its first female matriculand. Kalmar Nation at Uppsala University drew attention to it by inviting her to a student party that summer; an invitation that Karlberg was forced to announce via the press that she had not received in time to accept. There was no immediate departure for a seat of higher learning – Uppsala or elsewhere – however. Instead, she spent the following year applying herself to a new subject, Latin, only to complement her examination in the same year as her younger brother Gustaf received his white cap. With the two remaining children thus ready to matriculate, their mother moved with them to Hjortgatan 5, Lund in July 1888. In September of the same year, both siblings enrolled at the University; Gustaf as one of more than a hundred male students that semester alone, Dagmar as Lund’s seventeenth ever female matriculand.

The homes of Dagmar Karlberg
The homes of Dagmar Karlberg and her family during her student years in Lund: Hjortgatan 5 (1888-1892) and Lilla Tomegatan 6 (from autumn 1892). Photo: The author of the article.

Keeping a low profile

Women were few and far between at the University when Dagmar Karlberg started. However, the autumn semester of 1888 saw a sharp relative increase in the number of female students, with no less than five young ladies enrolled within a few weeks. Several of these came to form a network with the older students, but judging from recollections of that time, Dagmar Karlberg does not seem to have been among them, and one can wonder why. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that Karlberg had come to Lund with her family and did not need to build a new community in the same way as the women who had travelled from far away? Or perhaps it was also that the family’s troubled financial situation meant that Dagmar had to spend a lot of time helping her mother in the household alongside her studies?

Karlberg’s progress was comparatively slow in the beginning, which suggests that the latter supposition was the real reason. While younger brother Gustaf graduated with a bachelor’s degree after just one and a half years, it took Dagmar four years to do the same. Their roles soon reversed, however. Gustaf submitted a licentiate thesis in the spring of 1895, but as he did not complete the associated examinations he did not receive his degree until many years later (1903). By then, his older sister Dagmar had already completed her licentiate degree in the autumn of 1895.

It is striking that there is no hint in the documents relating to the Karlberg siblings in the University archives that Dagmar would go on to become known as a polyglot extraordinaire. Quite the contrary: Gustaf was the student of the humanities at the Faculty of Philosophy, where he presented a thesis that was a translation of an ancient Egyptian temple inscription. Dagmar, in contrast, studied the natural sciences and wrote her thesis in mathematics and mechanics on pinch points! As a recent graduate, she also advertised in the local papers that she was offering private lessons in maths.


 Dagmar Karlberg’s licentiate thesis
Introduction to Dagmar Karlberg’s licentiate thesis. Inset is a photograph of Karlberg from the period during or shortly after her studies. It is taken from a photo collage of Lund’s first female students from around 1897 by Lina Jonn. Source of image: Lund University Archives and the Lund University Library respectively

Soon Dagmar Karlberg would take up teaching in a more organised way than the private lessons: she became a schoolteacher. This was not surprising; among the earliest female students at Lund, the most common careers upon graduating by far were either as doctors or teachers, especially in girls’ schools. And it was these schools where Karlberg worked: in Norrköping, Halmstad and finally Skövde. All her positions were short term, however, and Karlberg soon realised that this was not what she wanted out of life. One reason was financial: “it was poorly paid, only 800-900 crowns a year, and I had student debts to pay off”. But there was also a new focus to her personal interests. In contrast to the natural sciences that she had hitherto mainly studied and taught, a love of languages “burst into flame”: “I had an intense desire to learn as many languages as possible,” she later said. And hence her first programme of continuing education: in the summer of 1898 she attended a course at Karl O Lindbergs Handelsinstitut in Gothenburg. This, combined with her own language studies, prepared her for what was to become her new commission: as a “foreign correspondent” handling international correspondence for various clients.

Translated “propaganda”

Karlberg’s first job in this new field was “at a large industrial company” in Gothenburg, which went, in her words, “bust”. She would go on to have better luck with similar positions at first the Skultuna brassworks, later the Husqvarna weapons factory and finally the shipowner Erik Brodin’s shipping company in Gävle. In between, she also managed stretches working in diplomatic circles, namely at the US consulate in Bergen and the Greek consulate in Helsinki. In parallel, she also advertised her services as a freelance translator.

Eventually Dagmar Karlberg decided to go it alone: from around 1917 she was no longer employed by anyone but ran her own translation agency and gave language lessons in Gävle. It is likely that most of the assignments she received continued to be of the more formal and mercantile nature that she had undertaken when working for companies and consulates, and there is no indication that she had ambitions to pursue a more literary translation career – with one notable exception. In the spring of 1920, Åhlén & Åkerlund published the book Aftnar vid Genèvesjön [Evenings on Lake Geneva] in an “authorised translation by Dagmar Karlberg”. The author was philosopher and professor Marian Morawski (1845-1901), and the book had originally been published in Polish in 1893. Whether the translation was commissioned by the Swedish publisher or initiated by Karlberg herself is unclear. However, the preface she wrote for the book indicates the latter:

The book is not one of those that are read once and then forgotten. Permeated with the richest thoughts on the deepest questions of life, it grips its reader and takes him captive. [- – – -] Again and again, one turns the pages, only to find something new, something previously unnoticed, and when finally one puts the book aside, it is with the feeling of having found a real friend in it.

The book consists of a number of conversations among a group of international guests at a small hotel in the town of Ouchy, including two Poles (one of whom, a Catholic priest, is the book’s narrator), a Russian, a playwright from the south of France, a Swiss Protestant priest, a German legal philosopher and a female British novelist. Over the course of a series of chapters, they drift between various topics related to religion, science, knowledge and contrasting worldviews. A clear picture of the outcome of these discussions can be obtained by reading reviews of the book published in several Swedish newspapers at the time. These are characterised, it should be noted, by a rather critical tone, albeit not in relation to Karlberg’s translation but rather the message of the book. In what was still then a staunchly state-church Protestant Sweden, the book proved provocative because of its clear thesis that the real truth was to be found in Catholic doctrine – “straight to the Pope”, as one reviewer put it – while another described the book as a pure “Catholic propaganda” and a third said that the author served his thesis “on plates that were quite obviously fired in the factory kilns of Ignatius Loyola”. The latter referred to the founder of the Jesuit order, and the accusation was not without merit: Morawski had not only been a university lecturer but also an active Jesuit.  

The cover and endpapers of Karlberg’s translation of Aftnar vid Genèvesjön
The cover and endpapers of Karlberg’s translation of Aftnar vid Genèvesjön. Source of image: National Library of Sweden.

A language should offer new perspectives”

It is not clear whether Dagmar Karlberg’s translation of Morawski was made directly from Polish or via another language. We do know, however, that she would eventually master a number of Slavic languages, and in general, it seems to have been during these years as a freelance translator that she increasingly began to engage in the self-study of various additional languages that would eventually make her, if not world famous, at least temporarily applauded as far away as Hawaii. This programme of learning gained real momentum, however, only after Karlberg decided to retire in the early 1930s. In the late summer of 1933, several Swedish newspapers reported that “an old lady” in Gävle had learnt five more languages – Bulgarian, Romanian, Chinese, Serbian and Turkish – in the two years or so following her 65th birthday, “merely for fun and out of curiosity”.

Articles on the linguistic virtuoso Karlberg continued to appear far and wide in the following decade. “Russian, Spanish, Romanian and Turkish” were her favourite languages it was claimed (later supplemented by “the soft Malay”) while Chinese was “interesting but impractical”. However, the only languages she found directly difficult were “Basque, Arabic and Hebrew” with Basque being the most difficult “because it is unlike any other language”. Bulgarian, on the other hand, was “child’s play” to learn in just ten days (!) due to her previous knowledge of Russian. Estonian – her 25th language – was something she “mollified […] her convalescence with” after breaking her femur at the age of 69.

Karlberg also said that she preferred to learn languages that were as different as possible from those she already knew – and especially her mother tongue: “a language should offer new perspectives and teach you something about ways of thinking that are foreign to a Swede,” she explained.

How proficient was Dagmar Karlberg in all these languages? Here, as in most of what we know about her study of languages, we must rely on her own testimony: “I do not know all of these languages in the sense of mastering them, of course. In that way I have mastered only my mother tongue. I am, however, able to make use of them, speak and write them quite well.” Being able to write was a key to Karlberg’s method of improving in these new languages. In addition to acquiring textbooks and other literature in and about them, she made sure to find people with whom to enter into a correspondence, wherever possible, such as “a Spanish priest, a professor in Vienna and a Dutchman” or even “a genuine Turk”.

It is an alluring thought that in the most scattered corners of the world, there may still be piles of letters sent by an elderly Lund alumna in Gävle. The story of Karlberg’s lifelong pursuit of knowledge becomes even more fascinating – and impressive – when you realise that she had had problems with her sight since childhood. By 1937 she related that she had lost all sight in one eye and had only about 10 per cent left in the other, but “thank God” she could still read “in bright light” and by holding a black ruler beneath each line as she went. Given these circumstances, it is not difficult to believe Karlberg when she said in another interview that “the desire for knowledge has been a mainspring throughout my life.”

At the age of 73, however, her studies were inexorably cut short. Karlberg had recently taken on her 28th language, Finnish, when her doctor expressly forbade her from continuing to read. Hungarian, which she intended to take on as language number 29, was to be left unexplored.

Cared for by the sisters

The photograph of Dagmar Karlberg in her old age at the beginning of this article comes from the County Museum of Gävleborg. The museum’s database states that it was taken on 20 October 1941 at Brynäsgatan 16 in Gävle. This was an address belonging to the Sisters of Saint Elizabeth, a Catholic order of nuns active in Gävle since 1892 who specialised in the care of the sick and elderly. Between 1933 and 1973, they ran a nursing home at that address where they “cared for many residents of Gävle”, some of whom also “ended their days at the home”. The register of deaths for Staffan parish in Kalmar shows that Dagmar was one of them: she ended her days with the sisters on 12 July 1945.

Given the small number of Catholics in Sweden at the time it was hardly a requirement to share the sisters’ faith in order to benefit from their care, but in the case of Karlberg in particular, one wonders whether the enthusiastic translator of Aftnar vid Genèvesjön might not have been particularly at home in a Catholic milieu where mass was celebrated three days a week. Regardless, she generally seems to have been a lady who found her place in life. Or as she put it in an interview at the age of 70:

It is so much fun to be alive, despite being old […]. Life has so many interesting things to offer. With interests and a good temperament, you will find happiness.

Fredrik Tersmeden

Ph.D.h.c, Archivist at Record Management and Archives



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If you were to change paths, what would you do instead?

We asked four of our more well-known alumni – a comedian, a former top politician, a doctor/TV personality and a former archbishop: If you suddenly woke up one day and needed to change careers, which path would you like to explore instead?

Johan Glans

Johan Glans, beloved comedian:

Running a bookstore is something I can fantasize about at times, especially when I feel stressed. I imagine it to be a pleasant existence. I picture myself engaging in small talk with customers, and when the store is empty, there’s always something to read. But I’m probably naive; reality is usually never that simple…

Annie >Lööf

Annie Lööf, former top politician:

Haha, that’s such a difficult question because I’m currently right in the middle of just that! What would I do if I were to do something COMPLETELY different? Astronaut. I’m so impressed by both the physical and mental strength that people like Marcus Wandt possess. Imagine working at the forefront of the world’s research and innovation while simultaneously testing your own limits. Now I’m reaching for the stars and daydreams, and to be honest, I’m quite content with the life and jobs I have right now.

Henrik Widegren

Henrik Widegren, doctor at the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic at Skåne University Hospital (SUS) and Fråga Lund TV expert:

I would like to become a professor of literature, as well as a gardener. In the mornings, read books and teach, and in the afternoons, go out to prune roses and cultivate my garden. A perfect combination!

KG Hammar

K.G. Hammar, former Archbishop of the Church of Sweden, theologian and researcher:

My alternative during high school was literature, and that would still be an alternate life path, preferably in combination with philosophy. So perhaps a professor in those subjects!

Photo credit:
Johan Glans – Robert Eldrim
Annie Lööf – Gabriel Liljevall
Henrik Widegren – Freddy Billqvist
K.G Hammar – Svenska kyrkan

Irene changed her career path and aimed for more job security

After two layoffs, Irene Arnerlind felt that it was time to take the leap and invest in enhancing her skills as well as change her career trajectory. She contacted a study and career guidance counselor, who helped her identify the path she could take to achieve her new goals. This is her story.

Irene Arnerlind
Irene Arnerlind outside her new office.

For over two decades, Irene dedicated her professional life to the fitness industry, holding various roles and responsibilities. For many years, she worked for a large national fitness chain, focusing on product and business development, and later as a manager with personnel responsibilities. Despite her love for the industry and sharing a passion with her colleagues, Irene occasionally felt concerned about a certain lack of professionalism. Ironically, this very deficiency became a reason for her growing interest in the workplace environment and labor law.

“During the pandemic, I was laid off due to a labor shortage. Shortly thereafter, I secured a new position within the industry with another employer. Then the war in Ukraine broke out, and the industry faced economic challenges again, leading to my second layoff due to a labor shortage. Instead of viewing it negatively, I thought that now it’s probably meant for me to change my career path.”

However, it was certainly not an easy decision to make the switch. Irene felt a bit fearful about returning to the classroom after so many years, and just having turned forty. She pondered whether it would be challenging to learn as an “older” individual and how she would manage her daily life. One of the most significant questions, of course, was where and what she should study to enhance her employability.

Irene sought guidance by contacting a study and career guidance counselor

Irene already had a university degree in both Business Administration/Leadership and Public Health. Her elective courses focused on people and organisations in development. While physical health had always been a focal point, Irene’s life experiences grew over the years and she also became interested in people’s mental well-being at work.

“My interest in group development, leadership and especially workplace environment and labor law has grown over the years. So, I knew I wanted to work with these issues, but I didn’t want to be dependent on just one industry. I contacted a study and career guidance counselor at my former university, who suggested that HR could be a broad path for me to take. She helped me find a course at Lund University in labor law and another course, HR in Theory and Practice, at Umeå University. Both were entirely online. Once I had started these full-time studies, I felt that I wanted to make the most of my study time and, therefore, I also enrolled in a professional training program as an HR Coordinator, which was also conducted online.”

Everyday finances

To financially manage her time as a student, Irene took student loans as well as additional loans available to those with children, along with grants. She also utilized some saved money and carefully planned her expenses. Irene learned to distinguish between needs and desires, explored second-hand alternatives, and had an additional job as a group fitness instructor. By being aware of her financial priorities and making wise purchasing decisions, she managed to balance life with a spouse, a house, children and studies.

“I’m a mom and I think moms in general are very efficient! I also have a strong drive and am very goal-oriented. Therefore, I didn’t find it challenging to juggle either time or finances. I looked forward to contributing to something ‘bigger,’ and I also desired increased job security, which is why I aimed for public service. It would pay off in the long run.”

Daily routines and online courses

Dropping off and picking up the children at preschool and school, attending parent-teacher conferences,  cooking, doing the dishes, laundry and driving to various activities is a daily reality that many parents can relate to. The fact that Irene’s studies were completely online, without any physical meetings, turned out to be a central piece of the puzzle to make all aspects of life fit together.

“For me, it was absolutely crucial! I wouldn’t have been able to go back and forth to Lund. It also wouldn’t have been possible to combine it with other studies or my extra job, along with pick-ups and drop-offs. In addition, I have to thank my partner because he did most of the housework.”

Easier to study when already in the workforce

“I found it luxurious to take a break from the workforce; having more knowledge in my backpack is only a positive thing. I also felt that it was easier to study now than it was right after high school. This is partly because I was probably more motivated now and knew what I would use the studies for, and partly because I could apply theories, different cases, laws, etc. from previously gained work experiences. I completed my studies, made a career change, and got a job as a Systems Coordinator in HR at Region Halland. One has to dare to take a leap to move forward.”

Did you know?

The general study guidance services at Lund University are open to you as an alum.
Feel free to read more about the services or book a meeting with the study advisers.
They are available both in person at the Lund Office or through digital meetings.
Learn more about Lund University’s study guidance services here.




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“What initially started as a five-month return for compulsory military training turned into a five-year stay”

Hi Glenn! You graduated from the School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) with a MSc in Management in 2018, what have you been up to since your graduation?

After my graduation, I returned to Taiwan for the compulsory military training and to spend some time with my elderly farmor (grandma). By that time of my life, I had lived most of my formative years away from Taiwan across several different countries. For me, “returning” to Taiwan was just as moving to a new country. Sweden was the last place I lived, so while I was waiting to be called in to the military, I volunteered to help out at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Taipei to find a community and keep myself busy.

Through one of the events, I was helping out at the Swedish Chamber, I met the CEO of the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan who also happens to be from Lund. So, I started working for the European Chamber’s Low Carbon Initiative. Later on, through the recommendation of my former supervisor at the European Chamber, I went to work for the then-Taiwanese Ministry of Science and Technology to help promote Taiwan’s science and technology international visibility and partnerships.

Having also studied and lived in Australia, I got the opportunity to join the Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (ANZCham Taiwan) around two years ago. I’m happy that I get to do what I love to do – connecting the countries I love together. Little did I know, what initially started as a five-month return for compulsory military training turned into a five-year stay.

You work as the Executive Director of the Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (ANZCHAM), what does a typical workday look like for you?

The Chamber is a non-profit, non-governmental, member-based organisation that represents and supports Australian and New Zealand Businesses in Taiwan. What we do essentially is connect and create opportunities for businesses and people whether that is through events, advocacy, or business introductions. We don’t have a big team, so my job covers both strategic and operational levels. But the beauty is that not a single day of my job is the same. Internally, I ensure the Chamber’s effective and sustainable operation. Externally, I engage with stakeholders and people from all walks of life.

Alumnus Glenn Lio holding a microphone at a summer cruise party. Photo.
Glenn at the ANZCHAM Summer Party Cruise

Some days, I will be coordinating with caterers, DJs, performers, hotels, and other sponsors and suppliers to organise cruise parties for more than 200 people for the community to get together, have fun, and network. Some days, I will be organising business luncheons and forums inviting speakers to share the latest business and policy insights and developments relevant to international businesses in Taiwan. Some days, I will be doing business introductions to connect Australian and New Zealand businesses with potential partners and resources within the Chamber’s community and external network.

People posing for photo at an ANZCHAM event. Photo.
Glenn on stage (right) at the 2023 ANZCHAM Business Awards

Some days, I will be facilitating communication between businesses and government offices to advocate for policies that enhance Taiwan’s appeal as a trade and investment destination and champion greater economic cooperation between Australia, New Zealand and Taiwan. Some days, I will be attending events to build relationships with government officials, media, think-tank scholars, and other business leaders to raise the positive profile of the Chamber and the Australian and New Zealand business community. One of the highlights last year was that I got to meet both the President and Vice President of Taiwan.

In your role, you likely engage with a diverse range of stakeholders, including government officials, business leaders, and diplomats. How do you navigate the cultural and business differences between Australia, New Zealand, and Taiwan to facilitate successful collaborations?

I believe in staying open to new ideas and different ways of doing things. When I encounter something unfamiliar, I try to make an active effort to learn about its background and why it’s important to others. To understand where people are coming from helps me connect with them better. No matter their role, whether they’re government officials, business leaders, or diplomats, we all share common goals in life. We all want to be happy, healthy, and successful. To keep this in mind helps me find common ground and work together effectively with people from a diverse range of backgrounds.

But also being open about myself so others can better understand where I’m coming from. I’ve found that being open about my own background and experiences is crucial for building trust and understanding among stakeholders. Throughout my role, I learned to focus on finding common goals and collaborating where we. However, I also try to be open about the difficulties or limitations that we are facing. So that everyone involved could understand the complexities of certain situations. The openness helps to ensure other people know where we stand and work or not work together towards a common goal.

Although it’s not always easy to work with so many stakeholders and sometimes balancing contradicting interests, the Chamber’s most important asset is our members and the community. There’s a Mandarin saying “隔行如隔山”. It means that professions or industries of expertise are vastly different and distant from one another, even if they are closely related or adjacent. One of the best things about my job is that I get to learn about so many different industries from the top experts and practitioners, and work with so many inspiring and supportive people.

What are the key take-aways from your studies at LUSEM that you find most useful when working for ANZCHAM?

I studied the Master’s in Management programme at LUSEM. It’s a special programme where all my classmates were from a non-business background. At LUSEM, I learned to work with people coming from different perspective and working style. But also learned a lot about myself and reflect on the kind of values and leadership I would like to carry out. I think my biggest take away is learning that there’s not a single way of how one should be and things are done. During the programme, we had to write reflection journals about our personal development. I still constantly practice reflection now. It helps me better understand myself and practice to become a better colleague and partner in my work.

Just as importantly, I saw going to university as a way for me to leverage the university’s platform to do and try out the things I wanted to do. During my time at LUSEM, I spent most of my time engaging in extra-curricular activities. I was actively engaged with UPF Lund where I led study trips to Taipei and Brussels; as well as, participated in board work. In some ways, chamber work closely resembles what I did before, i.e. inviting business and political leaders to speak at events, organising company visits, putting together publications, and of course, working with a board and people who are passionate about the cause.

I think one of the greatest things about Lund University is the vibrant student community and activities. It really showed me the power of community. There are so many community resources out there like mentorship programmes, grants, and events. But most importantly, through Lund, I met some of my best friends I still talk to on a weekly basis today and friends I can call whenever I have questions related to work. That’s why I spend my spare time to help promote Lund and Sweden as a study destination.

You are an active alumnus in Taiwan and serve as chairperson in the Sweden Alumni Network in Taiwan. Tell us more about the network and why Lund University alumni in Taiwan should join!

People with midsummer wreaths. Photo.
Midsummer celebrations with the Sweden Alumni Network in Taiwan.

The Sweden Alumni Network in Taiwan is a Swedish Institute (SI) supported alumni association for people in Taiwan who share study or research experiences in Sweden to connect with each other, build relationships, and stay in touch with Sweden. The Alumni Network is run by alumni, for alumni. The Alumni Network regularly organises various professional and social events to strengthen the alumni community and increase Sweden’s visibility in Taiwan.

The events that the Alumni Network organised last year, include snorkeling and ocean conservation workshop, an alumni reception, a Study in Sweden info session, afterwork drinks, and a river boat party. Through the Alumni Network, alumni could access a global network of Sweden alumni and opportunities to connect with Swedish businesses and other community stakeholders in Taiwan. As well as, be a part of a cozy community of people who share similar experiences and stay in touch with Sweden.

The Alumni Network welcomes anyone who studied in Sweden to join no matter if it’s for a degree, exchange, or research. Of course, I would personally love more people from Lund to join – can’t let the Uppsala influence become too strong! There are many ways for you to engage with us. You can visit to learn more about the Alumni Network and how to be engaged. We are always looking for ways to grow and expand the network. Feel free to reach out to us directly!

It is the beginning of 2024, so we are curious, what items on your bucket list do you plan to check off this year?
I don’t have any specific bucket list items for 2024; however, I would like to focus more on the things and people who matter more in life. For starters, I would like to be better at keeping in touch with friends especially the ones who are far away. Additionally, I would also like to visit at least two new countries this year. I find it fun and humbling being in a new place where I don’t understand the language or the culture – I miss that excitement of being a foreigner. Lastly, I would like to do more weekend trips to explore the nature and small towns of Taiwan.

“The mission was to carry cargo to the International Space Station, located between 350 and 450 km above the Earth, doing one orbit every 90 minutes.”

Hi Charlotte Beskow! You are an alumna from the Faculty of Engineering, LTH, at Lund University with a MSc degree in Electrical Engineering. Since graduation you have worked in many different places around the world with missions connected to outer space. Can you tell us more about your career from Lund to the world of space technology? And tell us what inspired you to pursue a career in this industry?
Thank you for asking me to participate to this blog! My yearning for adventure and of doing something interesting with my time has led me on an interesting journey that I could never have dreamed of when I grew up.

My first job was at Ericsson Telecom, but starting salaries in Sweden were low and life in Stockholm was expensive. A colleague showed me an ad for Saab Space and this is how I discovered that Sweden had a space industry. I moved to Göteborg and thoroughly enjoyed myself for two years before changing to the European Space Agency (ESA) in the Netherlands. One driver for the move was the sheer scale of ESA’s activities. Space is a big domain and covers everything above roughly 110 km altitude. The European Space Agency, covers all aspects of space: scientific exploration missions within our Solar System, Earth Observation from Low Earth Orbit, mission control, launcher development and infrastructure, technology development, telecom, navigation, human spaceflight and much more. Since staring at ESA in 1988 my main activities were in two areas: the European contribution to the international Space Station and launchers.

Can you share an example of a project or initiative you led that you are particularly proud of during your time at the European Space Agency?
Space is about teamwork. Projects are decided on the ministerial level and the Agency then appoints a multinational technical team that leads/monitors the work done by Industry. The “interesting” work is therefore mainly done by industry while the ESA team manages the work, checks on progress, monitors cost and schedule and takes major technical decisions together with industry.

Group of people in a factory
EADS Space Transportation in Bremen: Visit by NASA and ISS astronauts to the ATV production hall. Photo: Ingo Wagner

I had the fortune to work on a project where we were much more closely involved in the technical work. The European Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV). It was technically and managerially a very complicated project. Developed by a French led consortium, the mission was to carry cargo to the International Space Station (ISS), located between 350 and 450 km above the Earth, doing one orbit every 90 minutes. The ATV was to be launched atop an Ariane 5 rocket from French Guiana, locate the ISS, approach the ISS in a controlled manner (orbiting at a speed of 7.6 m/s or 28,000 km / hr) and then dock to the Russian segment. The size of a London bus and weighing 20 ton at lift off it could carry up to seven types of cargo in a mix determined by the needs of the ISS at the time of launch preparation. The vehicle was in two parts. The lower, unpressurised part, mainly consisted of fuel reservoirs, engines, antennas and receivers and all the various electronic boxes/computers required to perform the mission. The upper part was pressurized and contained the cargo for the ISS plus the active half of the Russian docking and refueling system and the 19 associated black boxes. Once attached to the ISS the pressure between ISS and the ATV was equalized and the crew could then enter the forward part. ESA had two small teams working on this major project. One for the flight segment and one for the ground segment, i.e. the control center that was being developed to control the ATV while in orbit. In order to ensure that the project could fulfill its objectives.

Big group of people at space station
“Family photo” in front of ATV No. 3 in French Guiana a couple of weeks before launch.

I worked on the flight segment and was co-responsible for all the crew interfaces as well as the definition of the operations reference, i.e. how to operate the ATV in all known nominal and off nominal situations. I was also instrumental in setting up the engineering support team, i.e. the group of experts that were to be on hand at all times to deal with problems in flight. I worked in the ATV from 1999 until the end of the 5th successful mission in 2015.

Space equipment
ATV No. 4 is hoisted down on top of the Ariane 5 rocket

Given the current geopolitical landscape and potential diplomatic crises, how do you see these factors influencing international collaboration in space research and exploration? Are there specific challenges or considerations that space organizations need to address to ensure the continuity and success of space projects in such environments?
Space is an international endeavour. ESA today has 22 member states and has a close collaboration with other space agencies : NASA (US), CSA (Canada), JAXA (Japan) and until recently RSA (Russia). Many of our satellites are joint missions, mainly with NASA and JAXA. Even during the cold war there was collaboration and discussions with the Russians and I hope that this can resume once the political landscape permits it. In the meantime, projects we had with the Russian Space Agency are either put on hold or modified to find alternative ways to complete the intended purpose. Incidentally this iterative response to problems that arise is part of our daily life since things seldom work out as initially planned. All space initiatives are long term efforts. Technical difficulties occur when you are trying to do something that has never been done before and it is important to maintain the political support when the going gets tough. The benefits of space projects are not always immediately visible, just like the benefits of fundamental research, so when money is tight it can be tempting for politicians to cut our budgets. We need to get better at explaining the long-term benefits in order to maintain public support for what we do.

In your opinion, what do you see as the most exciting developments or challenges in the future of space exploration?
Cybersecurity and space debris are two important areas that need to be addressed. Debris poses a risk to satellites. “Cleaning up” space sounds easy but is a daunting task, both dangerous and costly. It is important that spacecraft operators remove their spacecraft once they are nearing their end-of-life. A collision between a satellite and a piece of debris creates thousands of new debris that in turn pose risks in a never ending negative cycle.

Photo from space
Astronauts’ photo of ISS with the ATV connected

Can you share some key experiences or projects from your time at LTH (Faculty of Engineering) that influenced your career path?
Thanks to the initiative of Inge Brinck, I had the opportunity to study one year at ENSEEIHT in Toulouse. The purpose was to learn fluent French, which I did. This is what has given me an edge in the space industry. Thanks to my command of languages, I was able to work at the launch base in French Guiana, which gave me the necessary operational experience to be a key part of the ATV team. The successful ATV project then allowed me to finish my career as Head of the ESA Office in French Guiana.

Woman in front of space station
Charlotte in front of the building that houses the Ariane 5 rocket with the ATV 5 installed. The day before the launch of the last ATV.

As someone deeply involved in space exploration, we have to know: if you could travel to any celestial body in our solar system (besides Earth), which one would it be, and why?
We humans are not designed to live anywhere but on Earth. Having said that, if I was offered a ride to the ISS, or even a 15 minute suborbital flight I would take it and never mind the consequences.

“As Consul General, I also focus a lot on business promotion and cultural promotion and we try to help Swedish companies as well as Swedish authors, filmmakers, designers and artists to succeed in New York.”

Hi Camilla Mellander! You are an alumna from Lund University with a MSc in Economics and today you are appointed Consul General at the Consulate-General of Sweden in New York. Can you briefly tell us more about your career path from Lund to your current role? What inspired you to pursue a career in international relations and diplomacy?

I always wanted to work in an international setting since I was young. I think the fact that I spent a year at an American High school when I was 13 years old was very formative for me, it broadened my horizons. For a long time, I was dreaming of working for the UN but instead I applied for the diplomatic training program – nowadays called Diplomatprogrammet – at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. I did this after I had finished my studies at Lund University and worked for a few years. In order to get accepted you have to pass a number of tests and show that you have a solid background in governance and international affairs but you also have to have language skills. I think I have always been driven by a sense of trying to make a difference and solve conflicts. For many years I was working on issues concerning the Middle East, first as desk officer at the Middle East department at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Stockholm, then as Deputy Head of Mission at our embassy in Tel Aviv and then as Political Advisor in Brussels to the EU Special Envoy to the Middle East. At that time there were ongoing Israeli – Palestinian peace negotiations modeled on the Oslo accords, and it felt like peace was within reach. Today the situation is different and it will take time to get the parties to go back to the negotiating table.

I have also worked at the UN department with peacekeeping missions and at the Consular department helping Swedes in need of assistance abroad. I have been ambassador to Vietnam for four years and I was the Head of the Department for Trade Promotion and Sustainability right before coming to New York. For a number of years, I was also working for the former Swedish State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Mr. Frank Belfrage, and during those years I learned a lot. He was fluent in five or six languages, had extensive knowledge about all international conflicts and was a very good negotiator. One of the best things about my job is that I have so many talented and inspiring colleagues, I think that’s one of the perks of this job.

What are the primary responsibilities of a Consul General, and how do they differ from other diplomatic roles?
Being Consul General is different from being an ambassador. As an ambassador you are responsible for the bilateral relation with a whole country and cover everything from political to economic, cultural and consular issues. As Consul General you cover a part of a country and in my case it’s New York state as well as all of New England, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, so it is nine states in total. My counterparts are the Governors of the different states as well as the Mayors of the different cities; New York, Boston, Philadelphia etc. In New York, with a population of 18 million people and almost double the size of Sweden, the administration of Mayor Eric Adams mirrors that of a government, so there is a Department for International Affairs, Department of Economic Affairs etc with which we interact.

Many times, there are similar challenges in our respective countries. For example, when Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson was here in September, he met with Mayor Eric Adams to discuss the challenges with organized crime. New York has had challenges with gang criminality years before Sweden and Mayor Eric Adams is a former policeman. It was a fruitful exchange.

Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Tobias Billström and Consul General Camilla Mellander
Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Tobias Billström and Consul General Camilla Mellander

As Consul General, I also focus a lot on business promotion and cultural promotion and we try to help Swedish companies as well as Swedish authors, film makers, designers and artists to succeed in New York. When it comes to business promotion we work as TeamSweden together with Business Sweden and the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce in New York (SACCNY) to try to help companies expand and grow on the American market. We focus a lot on the green transition where we are years ahead of the US and specifically on e-mobility, offshore wind and energy efficiency in buildings. We also focus on life science since we are covering Boston. I would love to see more companies from Ideon Science Park come to New York.

SACCNY has an office space for Swedish start-ups and scale-up companies called Gateway on Manhattan where Swedish companies can rent an office at an affordable price and have the benefit of being co located so they can share experiences and good advice on what to do and what not to do on the American market. For example, the company BrainLit, which was started at Ideon, has an office at Gateway and is selling their special lamps resembling daylight to big American arenas and workplaces. I think it’s fantastic. I was raised in Lund so I’m very proud of all companies that come from there. Nicorette is another company that has sprung out of Lund and which has helped people stop smoking all around the world, including in the US. Bluetooth is another invention from Ericsson in Lund that is being used every day by everyone who has a smartphone. We work a lot with Ericsson in New York as they are one of the main companies building out the digital infrastructure in the US.

Can you walk us through a typical day in your role as Consul General in New York?
I always walk to the office in the morning, those 20 minutes gives me time to think and structure my day. On Monday, for example, we will discuss an upcoming event with Lund University at the residence on November 30th. We do a yearly event with Lund University Foundation headed by Chairman and President Maria Tufvesson Shuck in New York. Last year we focused on cancer research. Mikael Dolsten, chief scientist at Pfizer and an alumnus from Lund University spoke alongside a number of the best cancer researchers from Lund. This year the focus will be on innovation and sustainable growth.

The Swedish bank SEB will be in New York next week hosting a CFO and CIO conference and I will be one of the speakers so I have made time in my calendar to prepare my speech focusing on New York’s role as the financial capital of the world. After that I will have a meeting about the upcoming Nobel dinner on 10 December. We organize an annual Nobel dinner where we invite former American Nobel laureates and this year, we will have no less than 26 Nobel laureates! Our chef at the residence, Simon Richtman from Gotland, will be looking at last year’s Nobel menu in Stockholm and take inspiration for this year’s Nobel dinner in New York. In the afternoon, I will attend a seminar at the Ukrainian Institute in New York on the destruction of Ukraine’s cultural heritage as a consequence of the ongoing war. In the evening, there is a reception hosted by my Indian college. That is more or less a typical day.

Swedish Consule General in New York, Camilla Melander
The Swedish Consulate General in New York organizes an annual Nobel dinner

In what ways does cultural diplomacy play a role in your work, and how do you navigate cultural differences?
Cultural diplomacy is a very important part of the work. That part of the job is very inspiring and many of the best Swedish musicians, film makers, photographers, authors, designers, artists, opera singers and dancers come to New York because it is such an important cultural scene. Max Martin has a fantastic musical showing on Broadway right now called &Juliette, Ruben Östlund showed his film Triangle of Sadness at New York International Film Festival this spring, Jonas Hassen Khemiri just launched his latest book Systrarna (“The Sisters“) at the residence. As Consul General, I have the privilege of living in a fantastic residence on Park Avenue in Manhattan. This is where I live with my family but this is also where we do a lot of our events. Event space is extremely expensive in New York, so we are so blessed to have this beautiful house.

Two women standing in front of a building
Consul General Camilla Mellander and KD party leader Ebba Busch Thor in front of the Swedish residence in New York

In connection to New York Fashion Week we had a fashion show in the residence with Swedish designer MaxJenny. We also work a lot with artists and had a screening of the artworks of Nathalie Djurberg and Hans Berg right before the summer, but we also try to support younger artists such as Lap See Lam who just had an exhibition in New York and Buffalo. We have a yearly reception for Swedish dancers and actors who are here for APAP and ISPA in January each year. We work together with Export Music Sweden to support young musicians in and this year Nea, Deki Alem and Graham Lake performed at a club in Brooklyn at an event called Sweden Makes Music.

There are some cultural differences between Sweden and the United States, but much less so compared to when I was ambassador in Hanoi. I remember when I was just a few weeks into my new posting and was trying to find time for a planning day with all staff at the embassy in Hanoi. I was looking at the calendar and found a date that looked good. I suggested it to the staff and they all looked down and uneasy. I sensed something was wrong and afterwards one of the colleges came up to me and explained. “It’s the stars, if you read the stars, you can see it’s a bad day and it means things could go terribly wrong”. I of course had to find another day. Those situations don’t arise here in New York and in many ways Swedish and American cultures are very close to each other and inspire each other. We listen to American music and watch American movies and vice versa. But we are still more shy than Americans and don’t like to brag and sometimes people here don’t understand why we are not better at selling ourselves and getting our message through.

How did your experiences at Lund University contribute to your professional development?
I moved to Lund when I was 4 years old and my father Stefan Mellander became Professor of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University. Growing up in Lund was a privilege. Everything is centered around knowledge and learning and despite its rather small size, it is a very international city thanks to the university. So, I think it’s fair to say that the university shaped me already at a young age and maybe that’s where I got my interest for international affairs. Another thing that is so fantastic with Sweden is that university studies are free and that means it is possible to study anything that interests you, and me and all my friends followed our hearts. I, for example, studied Middle Eastern studies alongside political science and economics, but never thought I would be able to work with anything related to that, but then it turned out that I would be working with exactly that for almost ten years. Being a diplomat, it’s also been very helpful for me to have the background in political science and economics.

What advice do you have for students or alumni aspiring to pursue a career in diplomacy? Are there specific skills or qualities that you believe are crucial for success in the field of diplomacy
First of all, follow your heart because if you study something you are really interested in, you will excel. If you want to become a diplomat, you should first get some work experience, because very few get accepted straight out of university. Study languages because language skills are important.

Some students apply for internships at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and at our embassies their last semester of their university studies. That is a good way of testing if diplomacy is something for you. At the Consulate General in New York, we have an intern every semester and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs works closely with all Swedish universities. The internship is unpaid but gives a very good working experience.

Read up on what’s required for applying to the diplomatic training program and prepare yourself by doing some of the tests from previous years. Once you’re accepted, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs is a fantastic place to work, not maybe so much for the money but for the experiences you get. You will have the choice of working at about 100 different embassies around the world and about 25 different departments back home at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

What is your fondest memory from your student days in Lund?
There are so many fond memories. I had so much fun at the Lundakarnevalen every fourth year. For some time, I was part of Utrikespolitiska Föreningen and that was a good experience. I attended many interesting student evenings – Studentaftnar – with different speakers at Akademiska Föreningen. I loved going to the Gustav Adolf ball organized by Göteborgs nation on 6 November every year, that was literally a party that went on for three days in a row. And I love Studentsångarna and Toddydagen. Or just walking through Lundagård.

Me and my husband Richard, who also studied in Lund, are happy that our two children Anna and Axel have chosen Lund University for their studies. Our daughter Anna started Läkarlinjen – medical school – in August this year and Axel will be studying economics as of January next year. So, we have many reasons to come back to Lund often over the years to come.

“I returned to my home country, Guatemala, to achieve the main goal that made me pursue my master’s in Lund, which was supporting and empowering entrepreneurs”

Hi Esthefany! You graduated from the School of Economics and Management with a MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation in 2022, what have you been up to since your graduation?

One of my biggest fears when I decided to quit my job at a multinational and go study in Sweden, was to be unemployed for a long time. However, I worked hard not to make that a reality, and I was lucky to be hired at my dream job three weeks before graduation. At that time, the worldwide business incubator Bridge For Billions (originally from Spain) was looking for a Program Manager in Guatemala City to support them in running their new programs in the region (yes, it all got aligned). That is how I got hired as a Program Manager for LATAM for Bridge For Billions, where we support early-stage entrepreneurs in developing their business plans through a learn-by-doing methodology.

Five people connected to Bridge for Billions and Banco Industrial
Esthefany (second from left) representing Bridge for Billions

Around August 2022, I returned to my home country, Guatemala, to achieve the main goal that made me pursue my master’s in Lund, which was supporting and empowering entrepreneurs (especially women in Latin America) to overcome the so-called “Valley of Death curve” in entrepreneurship. The Valley of Death describes the period in the life of a startup in which it has begun operations but has not yet generated revenue. As a Program Manager, I had helped more than 150+ entrepreneurs by running programs in the whole Central America region for important banks to public and private companies, for example, Coca-Cola. All of this has definitely contributed to my life and professional goals, especially because I have had the chance to consolidate the entrepreneurial support for Central America.

Six women holding sign
Entrepreneurship programme with Coca-Cola

In addition to my role at Bridge, I also wanted to stay engaged within the academic field. That is how I got the chance to be a professor for the new bachelor’s called Sustainable Businesses and Innovation at the university I graduated from in Guatemala. It was an honor to help create the course content for this bachelor by bringing to this side of the world things I learned in Lund, and helped develop the entrepreneurial mindset here in Guatemala. Furthermore, I wanted to keep in touch with Lund and especially with my master’s colleagues; that is how, with Natalia and Gema, we started a podcast called “Generation Entrepreneurship,” which you can find on Spotify, where we interview high-performing entrepreneurs to learn from them. And that is how a whole year since my graduation has gone by.

What does your daily routine look like?

At Bridge for Billions, I design, create, and manage online entrepreneurship programs in different countries of Latin America. Usually, I manage between 3-4 programs at once in the same or different countries, which is why my time involves things such as meeting with clients to let them know how their entrepreneurial programs are going, scouting for entrepreneurs and mentors to enroll in our programs, meeting with entrepreneurs and mentors to discuss their work in our methodology, finding new alliances within the entrepreneurial ecosystem or even attending a pitch competition to celebrate cohort graduation. In summary, my daily work depends on the timeline and phase of each program, and that is why it is complex and involves a high capability to juggle between activities.

Conecta event
Esthefany at Conecta event

Aside from my work related to entrepreneurial programs, Bridge For Billions is a genuinely international startup with more than 50 people around the world, so I spend my time also doing online meetings with people from Europe or Africa, mixing between speaking Spanish and English. In addition, I got the chance to attend our new on-site office in Guatemala City, where I shared with eight colleagues from different departments like sales, Marketing, and customer support.

Two women talking
Coaching entrepreneurs

One thing I love about working in my current position is that sometimes it feels like it did when I was volunteering in entrepreneurship, but now I get paid for what I love to do. I can help people and nurture the entrepreneurial ecosystem in LATAM. I will always be grateful for doing what I do now; it is fulfilling.

You have experience from coaching and supporting entrepreneurs, what is the most common question you get and what is usually your response to that question?

I can’t think of a common question, but a common saying I usually get from entrepreneurs I support: “I decided to become an entrepreneur because I want to be the owner of my time and business.” Still, being an entrepreneur is more than this and certainly more complex. That is why, when I hear this, I always reply that by being an entrepreneur, they are enrolling into the incredible and fulfilling journey that will involve:
Perseverance: As is commonly known, entrepreneurs will fall and lose money, learn from their errors, and celebrate significant milestones. Something that I learned is that no one will work for your startup harder than you. It would be best if you work daily on your business idea to get it up and running. It will take time and hard work to get a business to run smoothly and be profitable.
To Be a Doer: To be an entrepreneur, first, you need to picture your business and act, not staying still for too long imagining and not acting upon it. To get your business up and running, you need to test, redefine, find your potential clients, do tests again, and readjust everything based on experimentation and field research. In addition, you need to be brave and have confidence during each step of the journey and not let others get you down.
Great networking: Another thing I found true while being an entrepreneur is that you need to be great at networking or even look for it. Go to events, talk to people and potential investors, but more importantly, find what others are looking for, and see how you can create new alliances that will make yourself (and your business) remembered. Don’t forget to enroll with organizations that offer vital support, such as incubators and accelerations. Always be aware to find new opportunities that will make you scale up.

Zoom call
Zoom call within Bridge for Billions

By saying all this, to be an entrepreneur involves starting and running a business by yourself but it also consists of creating a positive impact in the world by solving a problem or a necessity for society.

What are the takeaways from your studies at Lund University that you find most useful when working for Bridge For Billions?

My professional and personal life changed after my studies at Lund University. With the people that I met and the great experiences I had; I couldn’t choose anywhere else to study.

I can say that one of the aspects that helped me the most was that Lund is super international; in my master’s alone, we had more than 20 nationalities. This opened my mind to new ways of working, ways of communicating with others, and, for sure, new ways of innovation. While studying, I also got to talk with founders, co-funders, investors, and key actors in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. These experiences helped me to deal with different clients around the world, and I am sure it also helped me to get the position I have now in such an international start-up.

Furthermore, I’m sure that all the opportunities I found within the Swedish entrepreneurial ecosystem shaped the entrepreneur that I am today and the support I offer through my work. I remember that while studying at Lund, each week, I looked for events related to entrepreneurship in Malmö and Lund, and I always found one. I attended and got inspired by all of them. The entrepreneurs I met showed me how important it is to fight for what you want and that the entrepreneurial journey is challenging but fulfilling.

In addition, my master’s mentor, Rita Lousa, helped me to find the potential and confidence needed to come back to my home country and support entrepreneurs. I remember she always encouraged me to challenge myself and think outside the box; now, I am trying to do it for my bachelor’s students and the entrepreneurs who enroll in our programs. I could find a friend in my mentor and the support and empowerment any entrepreneur needs when developing a business.

Reskilling and upskilling have become an area crucial for being able to meet the changes of the future. What are the skills that you feel you would like to learn or develop in your working life?

I recently experienced a massive reskilling while studying at Lund University. Before pursuing my master’s in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, I was enrolled in the Human Resources field, and I worked for seven years in related positions. But I got passionate about entrepreneurship and improving entrepreneurial support in Latin America. That is how I chose Lund to study and prepare myself to do a different job after my graduation.

On the other hand, in terms of upskilling at this new phase of my professional life, I have identified two aspects that I plan to learn and develop in the upcoming years:

  1. Project management: each entrepreneurial program that I start and close needs all the steps that the project management methodology encourages to do. I want to master the fundamentals of the PM methodology to find new and efficient ways to run our programs.
  2. Digital Marketing and E-commerce: I want to learn more about how to create content for social media platforms, how to manage the most important social platforms, and how to do great advertisements. I plan to learn and practice these new skills to become a Digital marketer consultant for entrepreneurs and continue supporting them.

I’m sure these skills will help me to foster my impact and continue escalating in my professional life in my new entrepreneurial career.

What are your favorite places to visit in your current home country Guatemala?

When someone asks me about Guatemala, I always say that here you can find warm weather and a beautiful blue sky. We have a perfect mix of adventures, from tropical jungles to active volcanoes, lakes, and beaches.

Antigua City, Guatemala
Antigua City, Guatemala

I am a lover of exploring my own country, so if you want to come for a visit, I can recommend these options that are my favorites:

Lake Atitlan: for me, it is one of the most magical places in Guatemala and, for foreigners, one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. This lake is ringed by three volcanos and small towns entirely different from each other, full of markets and local crafts. One of the most amazing things about this lake is that it sits in a volcanic crater 1,538 meters above sea level, and you can explore it by boat. It is around three hours’ drive from Guatemala City.

Mayan Ruins of Tikal: It is one of the most significant archeological sites in Central America, with well-preserved ruins located within the jungle of Peten, where you can learn more about the Mayan empire that lived there between 600 BC and 900 AC. You can walk around the park looking at high pyramids, temples, and plazas while you hear monkeys and birds. It is located in the northern part of Guatemala, and now you can travel from Guatemala City to Tikal by plane.

Antigua Guatemala: This was one of the capital cities of Guatemala before 1773 and has a lot of remnants from the Spanish colonization and culture. History says we left the place because of constant earthquakes that struck the city. Antigua is also a magical place surrounded by volcanos; it has cobblestone streets, old colonial buildings, convents, and churches. It is an excellent place to go during the weekends to eat at the many restaurants that Antigua has and is only around 1 hour from Guatemala City.

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