2023-06-28 | Helga Heun Summer vibes: Are you ever too old to enjoy muddy music festivals? Some would say yes, but the answer is a scientific no. Even 470-million-year-old fossils (no pun intended) can attend – and get a backstage …Inspiring alumniUpdates 0 Comments
2023-06-15 | Helga Heun First real holiday in a very long time After eleven years as the leader of Sweden’s Centre Party and sixteen as a member of Parliament, Alumna Annie Lööf will finally get the …Featured in LundensarenInspiring alumniInternational Women's DayQ&A with alumni 0 Comments
2023-06-14 | Helga Heun The Alumni Network Book Club 2023 This summer, we invite all our alumni to join the Alumni Network’s fantastic book club in which literature-lovers can spend the summer reading books …Alumni authorsAlumni Book ClubAlumni Reading Challenge 0 Comments
2023-06-14 | Helga Heun A tent for raising serious issues The LU tent will soon be raised in Visby for two days of panel discussions. The University’s programme for Almedalen Week highlights the global …Featured in Lundensaren 0 Comments
2023-06-12 | Helga Heun This summer the Alumni Network Book Club will read Patrik Svensson’s “Den lodande människan” Synopsis: How did humans learn to navigate the oceans? Was Magellan really the first person to circumnavigate the globe? How did the sperm whale …Alumni authorsAlumni Book ClubAlumni Reading Challenge 0 Comments
2023-06-12 | Helga Heun This summer the Alumni Network Book Club will read Johannes Anyuru’s “Ixelles” Synopsis: Ever since Mio’s death, Rut has raised their son alone, creating a life for them: she has a house by the sea, a …Alumni authorsAlumni Book ClubAlumni Reading Challenge 0 Comments
2023-06-07 | Helga Heun This summer, the Alumni Network Book Club will read Björn Ranelid’s “Min skolfröken skall vara ett frimärke” Synopsis: Anna Jensen’s long life has reached its end and some of her old students have gathered in the cemetery. One of them is …Alumni authorsAlumni Book ClubAlumni Reading ChallengeUpdates 0 Comments
2023-04-26 | Helga Heun Putting environmental and climate issues centre stage How do we build a society that is sustainable for people and wildlife alike? Alumna Helena Björn has been engaged in environmental issues for …Inspiring alumni 0 Comments
2023-04-25 | Helga Heun New diagnostic tool gives hope to the childless WHO estimates between 48 to 186 million couples face infertility. Half the time it's due to the male factor. The medical technology company Spermosens, …Inspiring alumni 0 Comments
2023-04-04 | Helga Heun Being an alum is paying off – exclusive discounts for network members! We are happy to introduce a digital membership card, as well as exclusive discounts for all Alumni Network members. This means that as a …Alumni Network Member BenefitsFeatured in Lundensaren 0 Comments