Do you want to update your knowledge or learn something completely new? Lund University provides many opportunities for professional development by offering a significant portion of courses that are part-time and online without physical meetings, which suits mid-career individuals. And some of these courses are taught in English. In addition to stand-alone courses, there are tailored commissioned education programs and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses).
Stand-alone courses given by Lund University – application opens 15 March
The application period for stand-alone courses and programmes starting in autumn 2024 is open from 15 March until 15 April 2024. Commissioned education programs and MOOCs have varying application deadlines.
A few select examples of courses taught in English
If you have any questions about a course, please contact the contact person on each course page. Use a translation service if the information is not in English. Even though the courses mentioned below will be taught in English, several of them are presented in Swedish on the University’s website.

AI, Business and the Future of Work
Understand and use AI so that you can transform your organisation to be more efficient, more sustainable and thus innovative.
MOOC, 0 Academic credits, Study at your own pace, Remote
Application through
Teaching language: English, with several language subtitle choices
Artificial Intelligence: Ethics & Societal Challenges
Exploring the ethical and societal aspects of the increasing use of artificial intelligence.
MOOC, 0 Academic credits, Study at your own pace, Remote
Application through
Teaching language: English, with several language subtitle choices
Sustainable AI? Social and Environmental Effects of Artificial Intelligence
Explore the social, economic, and environmental changes brought about by developments in AI.
5 Academic credits, 50%, Remote, 2 September 2024 – 3 November 2024
Application through
Teaching language: English
Programming in Python: Basic and Preparatory Course
Master the fundamentals of the Python programming language used for AI and machine learning programming.
5 Academic credits, 50%, Remote, Dates that admitted students can choose for this five-week series are: 15/01-18/02, 19/02-14/03, 15/03-28/04, and 29/04-2/06
Application through
Teaching language: English
AI, Business and the Future of Work
Understand and use AI so that you can transform your organisation to be more efficient, more sustainable and thus innovative.
MOOC, 0 Academic credits, Study at your own pace, Remote
Application through
Teaching language: English, with several language subtitle choices

Leadership in Complex and Uncertain Situations
Basic understanding of the conditions for leadership in simple, complicated, and complex situations.
2.5 Academic credits, 33%, Remote, 23 September 2024 – 27 October 2024
Application through
Teaching language: English

Agenda 2030 – Knowledge, Monitoring and Leadership
Deepen your understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
7.5 Academic credits, 50%, Remote, 1 November 2024 – 19 January 2025
Application through
Teaching language: English
Circular Economy: Sustainable Material Management
Where do the key materials in products we use every day come from, and how can they be used more efficiently, for longer, and in closed loops?
MOOC, 0 credits, Study at your own pace, Remote
Application through
Teaching language: English, with several language subtitle choices

Responsible Internationalisation – Organisational Leadership in a Complex Global Environment
How can organisations navigate the geopolitical events and changing global power dynamics that have emerged in today’s multipolar world?
3 Academic credits, 33%, in Lund, 1 November 2024 – 19 January 2025
Application through
Teaching language: English
Introduction to Economic Crises Throughout History
Economic crises in history and their effects on the economy and society.
4 Academic credits, 25%, Remote, 2 September 2024 – 19 January 2025
Application through
Teaching language: English

Global Health and Human Rights
In this course, students will explore the linkages between human rights and global health, covering historical perspectives, current issues, and practical examples from research and practice, emphasizing the right to the highest attainable standard of health.
3 Academic credits, 50%, Remote, 2 September 2024 – 1 October 2024
Application through (must have a completed Bachelor’s degree)
Teaching language: English

AI & Law
This four-week course titled AI and Law explores the way in which the increasing use of artificially intelligent technologies (AI) affects the practice and administration of law defined in a broad sense.
MOOC, 0 credits, Study at your own pace, Remote
Application through
Teaching language: English, with several language subtitle choices.
European Business Law
The European Union is one of the world’s largest and most important economies. This specialization is a 3-course bundle that will teach learners the fundamentals of European Business Law.
MOOC, 0 credits, Study at your own pace, Remote
Application through
Teaching language: English, with several language subtitle choices.
Comprehensive list
For a full list of all stand-alone courses given by Lund University in Swedish and English, please visit:
Stand-alone courses at Lund University (Link in Swedish)
Please note! If you have any questions about the course, please contact the contact person on each course page. Use a translation service if the information is not in English. Even though the above-mentioned courses will be taught in English, several of them are presented in Swedish on the University’s website.
MOOCs and Company-sponsored professional education
Lund University also offers Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which are open to anyone interested in the subject. These courses are free and have no admission requirements.
For a full list of all MOOCs by Lund University, please visit:
MOOCs | Lund University
Professional or comissioned education is training opportunities for professionals sponsored by their company or organisation.
For a full list of Lund University Commissioned Education please visit:
Lund University Commissioned Education | Lund University
Having trouble making a decision? Contact our general study guidance counselors
The study guidance services offer guidance and information when you are in the process of making educational or professional choices. We help you to clarify what your interests and abilities are prior to and during your studies. You are welcome to contact the study guidance team for example:
– If you are unsure about your choice of studies
– If you have questions about application and admission rules
– If you want to know more about the professional areas different programs lead to
– If you wonder how you can combine stand-alone courses to achieve a valid general degree.
Read more and book an appointment

Also read previously published articles:
The Career Coach: Ask yourself these questions if you want to advance in your career!
Do I have the right to take a leave of absence to study?
Applies to Swedish law – in Swedish
Irene changed her career path and aimed for a more secure employment