2022-02-28 | Helga Heun “Femme” innovations from Lund Get it? Here are 5 (as in the Swedish number "fem" – as in the French word "Femme") inventions that have recently emerged from …Inspiring alumniInternational Women's Day 0 Comments
2022-02-28 | Helga Heun Did you know? Did you know that only one per cent of venture capital goes to women? Why is that and what are the consequences? "The situation …Featured in LundensarenInspiring alumniInternational Women's DayLifelong learningLUSEM AlumniUpdates 0 Comments
2022-02-28 | Helga Heun Do you meet the membership requirements? 17 – the network for women with businesses worth millions “To become a member of 17 you must be able to show that you …Featured in LundensarenInspiring alumniInternational Women's DayLUSEM AlumniUpdates 0 Comments
2022-02-28 | Helga Heun The will to achieve gender equality and equal opportunities defines the trajectory of women at Lund University In 1880, the first two female students, Hedda Andersson and Hildegard Björck, enrolled at Lund University. Andersson was left as the only woman for …International Women's DayUpdates 0 Comments
2022-02-24 | Karen Paulson LU alumni make the Tech50 list of the most influential people on the Swedish tech scene Congratulations to our alumni who have been named on the Tech50 list of the most influential people on the Swedish tech scene by IDG.se …Inspiring alumniLUSEM AlumniUpdates 0 Comments
2022-02-23 | Maria Johansson “The skills we acquire, the connections we make, the conversations we have, positively influence our future” Alumna Victoria Gessler strongly believes that it is the combination of experiences, skills and connections that get you somewhere in life. In her own …Inspiring alumniInternational Women's DayLU Alumni around the worldLU Global Scholarship Programme 10-Year JubileeLUSEM Alumni 1 Comment
2022-02-02 | Karen Paulson “The only way to get better is to surround yourself with chill people who are smarter than you, but listen to what you have to say.” Living and studying in Lund can make a big impact on your life. This week we meet alumnus Francesco Pazzaglia, who studied at Lund …Inspiring alumniLU Alumni around the worldLUSEM AlumniQ&A with alumni 1 Comment