The first week in February is coming to an end and after our traditional “Dumplings Friday” here at the office, we are soon ready for the weekend.
Here is a quick recap of the past week.
From the Alumni office
LU Alumni around the world. We continue to collect interesting alumni stories from all around the world. Last week we shared an update from alumnus Morgan M. Broman, who was invited as a distinguished speaker at the IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things. AI and Robotics are two tech trends to keep an eye on and you can read the interview below. In the coming weeks, we will share more alumni stories from Stockholm, Iceland and Mongolia.
Do you want to share your story with the Lund University alumni community? Send an email to us at or comment on this post.
Our lovely Love@Lund exhibition opens next week on Valentine’s Day. The event is fully booked, but the photos and stories will be shared on our Facebook page as well.

Did you know that Lundakarnevalen is the second largest volunteer event after the Olympic Games? Uppropet, the roll-call event for student volunteers for this year’s Lundakarnevalen, took place last Sunday and gathered thousands of student volunteers who want to sing, dance, sell tickets, cook food and more between 18-20 May. More about Uppropet in the next edition of Lundensaren, landing in all Alumni Network members inboxes by the end of next week. Something to look forward to!
From Lund University
Visitor centre in the University main building. Vice-Chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz declared this Wednesday that there will be a new visitor center and LU campus store in the University main building. The University Management moves to Kungshuset.

Unknown language discovered in Southeast Asia by linguists from Lund University. Click here to listen to this unknown language.
New agreements with Lund University. The Novo Nordisk Foundation recently made the announcement to grant DKK 225 million to Lund University for the construction and operation of MicroMAX, a new beamline for the MAX IV research facility in Lund, Sweden. Click here to read more. There was also an agreement on education and research between Lund University and Saab.
How IKEA’s founder exported a certain image of Sweden – from frugality to ‘fika’. Sweden is trending right now, with cultural concepts such as “lagom” (just enough) and “fika” (coffee break) selling everything from books to fashion. The nation is often seen as a social democratic model country, where people are egalitarian, wealthy and happy.

As Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of the Swedish multinational furniture retailer IKEA, recently passed away, it is interesting to reflect on how he and IKEA may have contributed to exporting this image. Click here to read the full story.