At last the cold winter has left Lund and hot violet winds are now sweeping through the streets. The wind draws the smell of sawdust from the parade preparations in the north and tones of song from Stora Nöjens preparations. There are but a few in Lund who could have missed the fact that the Lund Carnival is taking place next month. The town is bustling with over 5500 students who are working to make Lund Sweden’s most imaginary place on 18-20 May. It will be a weekend with imaginative shows, comedy shows and delicious food. Regardless of age, humor or dreams, there is no limit to the fantasy of the Imaginal Carnival.

What does the Imaginal Carnival have to offer?
On 18-20 May, the Lund Carnival takes over Lundagård. The parade will roam the cobblestone streets and spread carnival joy. Within the carnival area in Lundagård, you will be able to try your luck in the tombola booth, eat until you’re happily stuffed and visit Smånöjen (minor entertainments). In the evenings, well-known artists will take the main stage.
There will be 8 “Stora Nöjen” (major entertainments) during the carnival, with performances all 3 days. These include Barnevalen, Spexet, Cirkusen, Filmen, Kabarén, Revyn, Operan and Showen.
Latest news
A few weeks ago, Imaginal Carnival’s very own magazine was sent to the press. Imaginal Journal is a full-fledged magazine and printed copies are available for purchase at Stortorget.
You can now order Lund Carnival drinks – carnival beer and cider (“karnevölen”, “karnevAlen” and “karneciders”) – from Systembolaget. And why not go out and get yourself a unique piece Carnival merchandise?
And finally, in the northern part of town we are building the parade floats and these creations will not resemble anything we have previously seen.

Performance schedule for the Main Stage
Every Lundakarneval needs music!
At the center of the karneval area, in front of Universitetshuset, you can find the main stage. This is where artists like The Hives, Den Svenska Björnstammen och Silvana Imam will perform! In the northern corner of the karneval area you’ll find tavern Södersken and our smaller, second stage! This is where you can take a break and just relax between trees and string lights while listening to artists who’re yet to be announced.
All visitors of Lundakarnevalen can see the artists on the main and second stage!
On Friday, performances begin at 17:00 with Louisiana Avenue feat. Gunhild Carling, followed by Kamferdrops, Den Svenska Björnstammen and Räfven. Saturday’s lineup starts at 15:00 with Verklighetens Folk, Beatrice Eli, Panetoz, Sabina Ddumba and Kaliffa. Sunday’s lineup starts at 17:00 with Billie the Vision and the Dancers, Maxida Märak, The Hives and Silvana Imam.
Tickets for Stora Nöjen (the major entertainments) are available for purchase online on the Lund Carnival homepage as well as at Stortget in Lund. More information about ticket sales and times can be found here.
General admission tickets for the carnival area can be purchased at the entrance during the carnival weekend or online in advance.
The Parade (“Tåget”)

You do not need tickets to watch the parade. For this unforgettable experience, just make sure to grab a good curbside spot along the streets in Lund. The parade (a.k.a. the train) starts in Lundagård at 13:00 on Saturday and Sunday. For the first time, the parade is taking a new path due to all the roadwork and construction. This year the parade will go from Allehelgonakyrkan to Bredgatan and Sankt Petri Kyrkogatan down to Clemenstorget, instead of going along Sankt Laurentiigatan.
More than 30 different items are now available for purchase including some old classics, such as the metal trash bin, and some new items, such as a coffee tin. Make sure you grab your favourites because there is a limited supply of the Imaginal Carnival merchandise! Items are currently sold in the Lund Carnival sales booth at Stortorget on Monday-Saturday, 11:30-18:30.

With warm, violet and carnivalesque greetings! We wish you a lovely carnival weekend!
For more information:
#lundakarnevalen #imaginalkarneval