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The Doctoral Conferment ceremony

The doctoral conferment ceremony is the major academic event of the year at Lund University. Ceremonies have been held since the late 1600s, with the ceremony taking place at the end of May/early June. Traditionally, the University’s nine faculties together organise the doctoral degree ceremony. At the ceremony, the University bestows its highest honour on those who have completed a doctoral degree and defended their thesis.

Doctoral conferment ceremony
Doctoral conferment ceremony in Lund Cathedral

At precisely 12:00pm today, 24 May, the doors of the main university building are thrown open to the procession in which the doctoral graduands, the promovendi, led by the Chief of Protocol and escorted by ceremonial officers, make their way through the Lundagård park to the Lund Cathedral, in which the ceremony takes place.

Doctoral conferment procession
The doctoral conferment procession with Lund University vice chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz, bishop Johan Tyrberg, and former vice chancellor Boel Flodgren (1992-2002)

At 12.00 you also hear several canon shots fired in Lundagård as a salute given for the the doctoral graduands. Wendes Artillery Regiment assists the University in saluting the jubilee doctors with two shots, the honorary doctors with one shot and the new doctors at each faculty with three shots.

Doctoral conferment procession
Canon smoke in Lundagård – the salute by Wendes Artillery Regiment

Hats, wreaths, rings and muses? Learn more about the historical ceremony below.

Learn more about the Doctoral conferment ceremony


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