The Alumni Network Blog

The latest from the Alumni Network at Lund University

One week left!

Today it’s only one week left until we open the doors to Lund University’s Alumni Homecoming Weekend. We hope that you are as excited as we are! The three day long programme is filled with exciting activities and there’s something for everyone. Come to the opening ceremony and listen to music and a speech by Vice-Chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz, relive the student life at the nation’s pub’s on Friday evening, listen to lectures in the Alumni Hub on Saturday, go on a guided tour on Sunday, visit one of the many open houses at faculties and institutions that welcomes you during the weekend, go see a physics and laser show and of course there will be endless amounts of “fika”. Click here to find the programme for the weekend here.

Highlight from the programme: One of the events happening on Friday is “Lunch with a Pro”. An event where alumni and students can meet to talk with each other and exchange tips and ideas on their carrers. There will be 120 alumni and students talking to each other and hopefully get a lot of inspiration and new people to their network. Maybe we will see you there!


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Alumni Events Homecoming Weekend