The Alumni Network Blog

The latest from the Alumni Network at Lund University

New Student Worker: Dancing Daniela

Hello dear readers!

My name is Daniela Dolenec and I am a student worker at Alumni & Career at External Relations until Midsummer. As a student worker I conduct interviews, write posts on this blog and participate in activities related to Alumni and the University. In this post I intend to introduce myself briefly.

Where are you from? Born and raised, and still living in, Malmö, Sweden.

What are you studying? The Behavioural Science Program at Lund University.

What is your main interest? Learning new things. Also, dancing and traveling.

What is your favorite dish? Tacos.

What could you give a 30-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation? My dad’s homeland, Croatia.

Tea or coffee? Tea.

What is your dream travel destination? Bora Bora. Or Australia. Or The Maldives. Difficult to answer, all countries have their own unique charm.

If you could wake up tomorrow speaking another language fluently, which one would you choose? The answer for this question ranges from time to time, currently it is Spanish.

When I am not studying, working or learning new curiosa, I enjoy spending my time reading books, whether it is science fiction or historical novels, listening to music and dancing. I try to stay active in the student life in Lund by being engaged as an international mentor, being active in the Social Science Student Union and by attending different activities arranged by the University.

Stay tuned for more blog posts by me!

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