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Revisit the historical articles from our newsletter Lundensaren

We have gathered many of the previous historical articles from our newsletter Lundensaren for you. Maybe you missed a few or would like to reread one. There really is an article for all moods and interests. For instance, what does the beast of storsjön in Jämtland have to do with Lund University? Or maybe you are more interested in reading about murder and love scandals. If so, the articles “A bone of the devil” and “When Alfons met Polly” are the perfect read. If that is too dramatic, you can always get to know the first female students at Lund University and the struggles they encountered.

These are only a few of the historical articles from the past years. You can read any of them in English or Swedish, just click on the title of your liking to start reading.

Articles in English 

“As long as no sanitary inconvenience comes of it” – The story of Sjöström’s privies
When Alfons met Polly: a Lund love scandal from 1878
Lund students and France – a love that cooled
The academic gourmand
“An indecent and scandalous scene”: Carl Lindell and the coffin incident of 1884
“A curse on the very notion of lye fish”: on a forgotten Lund eccentric from the mid-1800s
A duckling visits Lund
The Associate Professor and the Beast : Peter Olsson as cryptozoologist
“Academic cock of the walk” who oversaw freshers’ footwear
(Un)shaping pastors into physicians – Lund University’s fifth faculty and pastoral medicine
“A bone of the devil” – graduate Nehrman and the horrifying bloody deed in Gränna
Gotlands – the nation that vanished
Svasse – the Lund alumnus who came up with the chorus line (Part 2)
Svasse – the Lund alumnus who came up with the chorus line (Part 1)
Who was Lund’s first student?
The female pioneers – the ones who paved the way at Lund University

Articles in Swedish: 

”Så länge icke någon olägenhet i sanitärt hänseende deraf förspörjes”– Historien om de sjöströmska avträdena
Äktenskap i Theorin : en lundensisk kärleksskandal från 1878
Lundensarna och Frankrike – en kärlek som svalnade
Den akademiske läckergommen
”Ett osedligt och förargelseväckande uppträde” : Carl Lindell och 1884 års likkisteincident
”Ett fy fan vid tanken på lutfisk” : om ett bortglömt lundaoriginal från 1800-talets mitt
En ankunge besöker Lund
Docenten och Storsjöodjuret : Peter Olsson som kryptozoolog
”Akademituppen” som övervakade novischernas skodon
Att (icke) dana präster till läkare- Lunds universitets femte fakultet och prästmedicinen
Ett ben av djävulen – kandidat Nehrman och det fasaväckande blodsdådet i Gränna
Gotlands – Nationen som försvann
Svasse – lundaalumnen som tänkte på refrängen (Del 2)
Svasse – lundaalumnen som tänkte på refrängen (Del 1)
Vem var Lunds förste student?
De som gick före – de kvinnliga pionjärerna vid universitetet

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